

Giga Toradze - maxillofacial surgeon

Free consultations with maxillofacial surgeon at the Vera branch of Todua Clinic!  
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Review of Non-parvocellular Lung Cancer Treatment – Innovations and Challenges.” 

On January 24, 17:00 - 19:00, the conference hall at the Central branch of Todua Clinic will host international conference – “Review of Non-parvocellular Lung Cancer Treatment – Innovations and Challenges.” 
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Endoscopist, proctologist - Akaki Rekhviashvili

Department of Proctology is now open at the Vera branch of Todua Clinic
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Anesthesiologist - Vasil Khachiashvili

Doctor-anaesthesiologist Vasil Khachiashvili joined the central branch of Todua Clinic!
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Not every adviser is a doctor, trust only professionals!

All advisers - relatives or strangers, if he is not a doctor, he cannot give qualified advice.
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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

The month of October is considered breast cancer awareness month internationally
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September is the month of prostate cancer awareness!

Throughout the month of September, every Thursday, urologist Kakha Barnovi will give free consultations to males from 50 at the Central branch of Todua Clinic.
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Urologist - Kakha Barnov

Urologist Kakha Barnov joined the central branch of Todua Clinic
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Neurologist - Natia Iashvili

Neurologist Natia Iashvili joined the central branch of Todua Clinic
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Radiologist - Ana Dumbadze

Radiologist Ana Dumbadze joined the magnetic resonance imaging department of the Todua Clinic's Veri branch.
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