Department of Angiology and Vascular Surgery

Head of the department - Giorgi Deisadze


The Department of Angiology and Vascular Surgery is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment - Siemens Artis Zee, Siemens Arcadis Avantic, Siemens Acuson NX3.


Doctor Angiologist Giorgi Deisadze








Vascular pathologies are one of the leading causes of disability and, in extreme cases, death of people of working age. The most well-known venous insufficiency of vascular pathologies, the so-called. Is a disease of varicose veins. It is quite common in Georgia and is mostly found in women, although men are not insured against it.


Its symptoms are: Feeling of chronic heaviness in the legs Numbness and swelling mainly in the evenings.


The greatest danger posed by vascular pathologies is an aneurysm, which usually manifests itself suddenly and the response to it is often delayed. That is why it is also called the "silent bomb". Unfortunately, patients do not consult a doctor during the very first complaints. Although the disease progresses very slowly, it can become very dangerous if left untreated.


Symptoms of vascular disease include:


  • Pain in the lower extremities
  • Easily tired, transient lameness after passing 50-100 meters
  • Swelling / cooling of the limbs
  • Feeling of heaviness / burning
  • Genetically loaded anamnesis
  • || Type of diabetes
  •  Tobacco addiction


Treatment of venous and arterial pathologies is especially effective if the disease is detected at an early stage. Therefore, timely visit to the doctor and treatment is necessary at the first symptoms.

თოდუას კლინიკის სისხლძარღვთა ქირურგიის განყოფილებაში ტარდება ყველა სირთულის ოპერაცია, მათ შორის

ნაკლებინვაზიური პროცედურები, რომელსაც პროფესიონალ ექიმთა გუნდი ულტრათანამედროვე აღჭურვილობის ჰიბრიფულ საოპერაციოში ახორციელებს.

ლაზერული აბლაციები ტარდება გერმანული, უახლესი თაობის აპარატით - "ბიოლიტეკ ლეონარდო". აღნიშნული პროცედურა ნაკლებ ინვაზიურია. პაციენტი პროცედურის ჩატარებიდან 2 საათში თავისი ფეხით  ტოვებს კლინიკას.

