Laboratory of Pathomorphology

Head of the Department - Lali Tsivtsivadze, MD


The Pathomorphology Laboratory is equipped with advanced LEICA equipment and digital microscopes: OLIMPUS BX 43, NICON ECLIPSECI, immunohistochemical analysis system LEICA BOND MAX, fully automated microtome – LEICA RM 2255 MICROTOME, tissue processor – LEICA ASP 6025, rapid diagnostic device – DIAPATH, automatic staining system – LEICA ST5020 MULTISTAINER. Additionally, the laboratory is equipped with a fluorescence microscope – AXIO IMAGER A2 FICH ANALYSIS for HER2/CEN analysis, and molecular testing – ALK status determination.

The Pathomorphology Department conducts the following:


  • Examination of surgical, biopsy (including express biopsy), and cytological samples with general morphological, immunohistochemical, and in situ hybridization analyses.
  • Immunohistochemical analysis is performed using the LEICA AUTOSTAINER BOND MAX system, utilizing a wide range of antibodies.



The mentioned method is used for:


  • Confirmation of tumor histogenesis.
  • Identification of the primary lesion.
  • Determination of the degree of tumor anaplasia.
  • Definition of immunophenotype in lymphoproliferative diseases.
  • Determination of estrogen and progesterone receptors, as well as the oncogene CERBB/Her2/neu in cases of breast cancer.
  • Assessment of tumor tissue sensitivity to hormonal and chemotherapeutic agents.


The main directions of the Pathomorphology Laboratory’s work include:


  • Morphological diagnosis of pathological processes in various organs and systems during life.
  • Clinicopathological analysis.
  • Prognostic evaluation of processes.