Department of Transfusiology

Head of the department - Maia Lefsveridze


The main activity of the department is to provide therapy to patients with blood and its components and timely   transfusion assistance to the patients with intraoperative blood loss, hemorrhage, posthemorrhagic anemia, further complication of treatment of oncology patients, hemotransfusion care for patients with anemia.

For this purpose, blood and its components are imported from blood banks and stored in proper conditions. The Department of Transfusiology is equipped with a Hitachi refrigerator to store blood and a Sanyos refrigerator-freezer to store fresh frozen plasma and to store platelet mass with digital orbital shaker - centrifuge BK-T4KZ.

Prior to blood transfusion, the donor and recipient group and Rhesus factor are determined according to the ABO system using standard hemagglutination serums and standard monoclonal antibody reagents, individual matching and biological samples, observation of the patient during and after transfusion and provide timely assistance.
