Department of Urology

Urologist - Kakha Barnovi


Urology is a branch of medicine that studies both the urinary system of men and women and the diseases of the male genital organs.


It is well-known that with increasing age, the number of urological diseases also rises. Urological diseases are treated both medically and through surgical intervention.



Urology at Todua Clinic


The material and technical base available at Todua Clinic allows for timely and comprehensive examination of urological patients in an outpatient setting and the appointment of appropriate treatment.

The urology department is equipped with expert-class ultrasonic devices by Canon Apilo 300 and the latest flexible video cystoscope (Olympus).



The following conditions are diagnosed and treated with medication in the urological department:

    • Urolithiasis (kidney stones, acute pain in the lower back area)
    • Urinary tract infections (acute and chronic kidney inflammation, acute and chronic bladder inflammation)
    • Sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, candidiasis)
    • Urination problems and bladder retention (benign prostatic hyperplasia)
    • Hematuria (bladder cancer)
    • Difficulty urinating and pain in the lower back (prostate cancer)
    • Testicular pain (testicular cancer, inflammation, cysts, hydrocele)
    • Inflammatory processes in the organs of the urinary system
    • Cystitis (bladder inflammation)
    • Prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland)



In the case of urological diseases, patients should immediately consult a urologist upon the first signs or symptoms to establish an early diagnosis and receive appropriate treatment. Early diagnosis is crucial in preventing complications of urological diseases.

Kidney Stone Disease


Kidney stone disease is a disorder of the urinary system where stones accumulate in the urinary tract.

The disease is characterized by pain in the lower back, which usually worsens with physical exertion. If this health issue is present, patients may experience burning and pain during urination.

The causes of the disease are often related to inflammatory processes in the urinary system, improper diet, and the effects of certain medications.

Treatment typically involves antibacterial drugs, medications to dissolve the stones, and in more complex cases, surgical intervention or the use of ultrasound for stone fragmentation.

Urology is one of the priority fields at "Tbilisi Clinic," and our specialists consider the individual needs of each patient when prescribing treatment.


Urinary Tract Infections

The main symptoms of urinary tract infections include nausea, abdominal pain, fever or chills, sweating, painful urination, lower back pain, and general weakness.

For diagnosis, a urine test is mainly used. Older patients may experience heart palpitations, confusion, fluid loss, and a drop in blood pressure during such diagnoses. Urology primarily deals with urinary tract issues.


Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Chlamydia, Trichomoniasis, Candidiasis)


  • Chlamydia: In women, chlamydia is characterized by painful urination, vaginal discharge, painful penetration, and bleeding between menstruation. In men, it involves penile discharge, painful urination, and testicular pain.

  • Trichomoniasis: This disease often occurs asymptomatically, but symptoms largely depend on the patient’s age and overall health condition. In women, it presents as gray, yellow, white, or green discharge with an unpleasant odor, often accompanied by bleeding, burning, redness, and frequent urination. Some patients experience pain during urination and penetration. In men, trichomoniasis is associated with burning during urination and ejaculation, discharge from the penis, and frequent urination.


Urology plays a crucial role in diagnosing and treating sexually transmitted infections.

  • Candidiasis: Candidiasis is a fungal infection that causes discharge and intense itching in the vulva and vagina in women, and in men, it manifests as an infection in the head of the penis, redness, and white discharge during urination.


Prostate Adenoma

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland that mainly affects men between the ages of 40 and 60.

The disease is characterized by interrupted, frequent, and difficult urination, along with a weak urine stream. The need to urinate increases at night.

Diagnosis is made through initial examination, laboratory tests, ultrasound examination, and uroflowmetry.


Urology and Related Medical Procedures at "Tbilisi Clinic"

Urology and associated medical procedures are available at "Tbilisi Clinic."

Our medical center is equipped with high-quality equipment that enables accurate diagnosis of urological diseases.


Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer is primarily characterized by the following symptoms: frequent urination, especially at night, blood in the urine, and severe pain in the lower back on one side of the body.

Urology is one of the priority areas at "Tbilisi Clinic," which means our medical center is staffed with the best specialists who pay special attention to your needs.
